God’s Will

Not Who But Whose

I have spent a good portion of my adult life, regretting my adult life. Too much really. To many hours spent rummaging through the boxes of “what ifs.” The seemingly endless memories of people telling me I cannot do something, should not bother trying, not cut out for this or that… It is exhausting

Stop Living “Less Than” Lives

The last couple weeks, I have been going through an old writing folder I came across and it’s weird to me some of the things I was writing this part of the year – 10 FULL years ago.

The scary part is, that unfortunately for me, MANY of the themes and sentences are the EXACT same as I have been saying to myself recently – despite my attempts at changing the way I think/speak.

That is a much bigger project than one might believe but it is one that I will not quit.

Is It God’s Will or MY Desire?

Why do I write?

Beside the fact that God’s given me the ability?

Or has He simply given me the desire to write?

Or do I just like writing and worked to develop the skill?

When I got here, I could not walk. I learned that. Do I ever contemplate walking for God?

Time Travel Via Word Doc or Dear Younger Self

Have you ever looked back on your life and thought, “man, I’d like to warn my younger self about life”?

I have, in fact, before I started this post, I was getting ready to write my 19 years old self a letter with the hope that my present-day self would glean some much need insight into moving forward.

What Would We Do Without the “World’s Dumbest”?

Have you ever screwed up?

Ever screwed up so bad you felt sympathy for the chuckleheads on that show, “World’s Dumbest (fill in the blank)?

Well, I didn’t USED to but things change, right?

Read more: What Would We Do Without the “World’s Dumbest”?

I’ll spare you, and me, the humiliating details of my screw up but it got me thinking that perhaps, some of our screw ups are God’s way of teaching us lessons that we clearly wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

I am convinced, in fact, that in God’s sovereignty, He allows us to do and things happen that are outside our control but serve His will.

Romans 8;28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

I have always understood this to mean, all the bad things that ever happened or will ever happen, but specifically times when we have been wronged.

I believe it also includes times we are wrong.

It includes those times we put ourselves in a position to end up on an embarrassing television show and be used by God to further His ultimate plan.

I see it as a form of judgment. I mean, God is patient, merciful and kind but even His grace has an expiration date for the unrepentant.

Please don’t read that to mean there is ANY limit on God’s grace, but scripture says in 1 Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (Emphasis mine)

There will be a judgment and it will start with the people of God.

I also believe that sometimes that “good” can come in the form of the previously mentioned “lesson” that God will use

I am reminded of the patience of the Lord and His willingness to give multiple chances to those that He does not want to see parish.

It reminds me of Jonah.

God tells Jonah to go and preach in Ninevah to the Assyrians – a bad group of folks.

Jonah loved the idea so much, he jumped right inside the nearest whale and sailed right there…actually, he boarded a ship headed the opposite direction.

Can you blame him? Those folks were notably an evil and cruel people. Let ‘em rot!

The sailors on the ship figured out something was off as their ship was getting ready to sink, determined it was Jonah’s fault and threw him overboard. Then he’s swallowed by a “big fish” and spit out right on the shores of, you guessed it…Ninevah.

But this post isn’t about obedience or Jonah…it’s about repentance and God’s patience.

When warned about the coming destruction, the people of Ninevah did the unthinkable, they repented.

The impact was so great, that Jesus used them as a warning to Pharisees when he spoke to them about their unbelief.

I bet they loved being compared to those people.

Of course, a generation after Jonah’s visit, the Assyrians still had to be dealt with and God judged them – but that is for another post…eventually.

The point is, when presented with their need to repent, they did.

Will you?

Will I?

You bet your britches I am and not just for the next generation. Well, I’ll be gone by then most likely but in the short term, best believe, I am A repenting!

The other point is that God is patient with us all.

Praise Him that HE is!

 The Assyrians had a long time to become the abomination they they’d turned into. Generations to become a large nation, capital city, wealthy, evil, sadistic, you know, the usual…but when told they had to change…again, THEY DID!

Same question…

Will you?

Will I?

Take a guess.

As I mentioned before, they eventually fell back into their old ways and when God had enough, passed judgement, as only he can and…Jesus still used them as an example of repentance!

All that to say, God is merciful and patient and will give you and I multiple opportunities to get our act together – but at some point, he will take action.

We better change for good, before, He acts, for our good.

What are your thoughts on God’s patience, our (and other’s) repentance? Or anything else you’d like to mention. The stage is yours.

Someone Needs to Tell You What to Do

It’s not just important that you find a mentor, it is imperative. It can shave years of needless struggle.

Just ask them what pitfalls they did not avoid, good choices, bad choices, things they would do again, things they would NEVER do again. What they love, hate, how they stay motivated, what to do when it is hard to stay motivated. Do they prefer smooth or chunky?

Read more: Someone Needs to Tell You What to Do

Ask lots of whys and hows.

And always take notes, unless they let you record the conversation. Then sit back and let them talk…be sure to go back and listen to it again, and again and again – memorize it if needed.

And then take notes on the recording – but be sure to review them – they’re useless if you never look at them again.

In fact, something I recently learn from a mentor, while you are taking notes on what they said, using Post-its, write down what their words made you think about – what ideas did they bring to your mind…that is the road to mastery!


A mentor can be just about anyone – alive or dead.

Think about it, Timothy had Paul, Joshua had Moses, Luke had Obi Wan and Robin had Bat…well, you get the idea, right?

I always look for people that have what I want or are doing, at a high level, what I want to be doing.  I say people that are working at a high level because that’s where you want to be, if not, why are you doing it in the first place, right?

I also look for people that achieved a high level of success in, really, any area of life. In most cases, if you know a person’s name, they did something right…________________,

I left that space blank so you could mention the Kardashians and/or Parris Hilton…obviously there are people who are simply known for being known, but now that I think about it…if that is what you are looking for…why not follow up with them, as I said, I look for people that have what I want or are doing what I want to be doing.

When I was doing comedy, I talked to comics that were getting paid for performing, touring and playing clubs on a regular basis…I sometimes talked to other “open-micers” but if I could get five minutes with a headliner…that was the cake, I wanted…great, now I want cake…brb…

Mmmmmm, that was good, now, where was I?

Oh, right, mentors…

So, look for someone in your industry or, it does not have to be a business thing, you might want to talk to someone who has had a long marriage and ask them, “how has she not killed you yet?”

There is no rule that says a mentor has to be business only– there are people out there doing life at a high level and, in many cases, they are happy to talk to you.

But you gotta ask.

Oh, I also, suggest that when you ask, you offer to buy them a cup of coffee or lunch, or cake, mmmm cake, oh wait, I just got back…but really, isn’t their time and knowledge worth a couple bucks to you?

 If not, you may not want it as bad as you think.

If you sign up for a class, either in college or a personal enrichment situation, you are going to pay for that and you may not get to choose the professor – so, be willing and happy to pony up for at least a coffee for the person that is about to pour wisdom into you.

What if you cannot ask though?

What do you do in the case of someone you know at the top of their game but you cannot just walk up to them and say, “Hi, you don’t know me but I want to model my life after yours.”

First off, that’s just a weird sentence…they are going to ask you to leave, especially if you try this in their kitchen…I highly recommend you not try that route!

I have one mentor, who has no idea I exist…how is he mentoring me? He has Facebook, Instagram, a podcast – well, he used to…I have not listened in a while but I am sure the recordings are still out there…and he has a book I recently purchased.

He has all sorts of content out there specifically for other people to consume…and he does it on purpose…not for me but…for me…and you and you and whoever is reading this…many of the greats do.

And with YouTube and Soundcloud – just to mention 2, people do not have to intentionally put out content. Their speeches and presentations can usually be found so you can study how they think.

I mentioned before they can be alive or dead, right? I am sure you are asking “how can a dead person mentor me?”


If that person ever wrote a book, a play, an article, a song…whatever – they have offered a piece of themselves to you.

Want to understand words, language and stories? I bet Shakespeare has some clues you might be able to dig up.

Want to understand freedom and liberty? Thomas Paine wrote an epic treatment on those subjects more than 200 years ago and in just 46 pages…I bet he could teach you something.

Also, a high achiever that has an autobiography is a better option than just a biography for the simple reason that the auto bio, was penned by the person that you want to know better. It is their thoughts and ideas, they can tell you what books they found useful, what they used to do to get from A to B.

A biography, is a story – thoughts and ideas – about that person but by someone who may not have even known them. That does not make bios bad, they are just not a primary source…

See where I am going with this?

The “unaware mentor” I mentioned above once said something that had a huge impact on me specifically with regard to mentor/mentees relationships.

He said the thing he does, when someone asks for his thoughts on a subject, he asks, “Have you read my book?” If they say, “no” he tells them to go read that and then come back.

Seems a bit harsh on the surface but, man does it make a ton of sense if you look at it for mastery

and not just a quick fix or a Tweet, oh wait, it’s X now, huh, OK, well you know what I meant…

Just think about it, if the person you want to model yourself after has taken the time to write a book, they may have already answered your question(s) – that could save you both time.

I think of a guy like John Maxwell, an expert in all things leadership…he might deflect the “expert” label – but it is my post and I am stickin’ with it!

Anyway, that guy has written more than 100 books – I cannot even imagine, of course that could be why I still have not written even one – well, unless you count Pick a Direction and Go, the free download from me when you subscribe…eh hem!

The point is, what question you could think of that Maxwell has not already answered – at least once, I am sure there is some overlap, I mean 100 plus books? C’mon he’s answered almost all your leadership questions.


So, who is it you need to talk to? Who do you need to reach out to? Someone from work or church or your neighborhood? I once asked a neighbor how he got his lawn to look so good…he said it “wasn’t cheap” …point is, he has a thing I want, a “nice” lawn, so I asked him how.

It really is that easy.

Now, go make the call.

Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure, I am not a Maxwell affiliate, I do not get anything from him for mentioning him, notice there is no link to his site or books…

On a related note, John, if you read this and want me to link to your stuff, we can certainly have that conversation

Heck, I’ll even buy you a coffee…

2 Crazy Tricks to Build Your Self-Confidence

If you’re struggling with your self-confidence, there is hope and in just 2 simple steps.

I’ve Decided to Remain a Quitter

When you sell your day to the highest bidder you lose even the desire to dream.

The Words We Choose

As a person who values words, how they’re used, why they’re used, the power contained within – the last several months have been extremely hard for me to walk through – quietly. 

Why Do I write? No, Really, WHY?*

I wonder sometimes why exactly it is that I write. Why do I spend countless hours in front of the computer stringing words together?

Why do I sit up for hours after my family has gone to bed or rise hours before they wake to get thoughts and ideas down on paper – or more recently – into some digital format?

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Goins, Writer

On Writing, Ideas, and Making a Difference


Daily Thoughts and Meditations as we journey together with our Lord.