
Discovering What the Market Wants: A Personal Journey

Man, I am just not feeling it, you know?

You’ve been there, right?

I didn’t post yesterday, in part because I was REALLY sick, still under the weather today but, wow, the difference being able to breathe through your nose makes!


Not Who But Whose

I have spent a good portion of my adult life, regretting my adult life. Too much really. To many hours spent rummaging through the boxes of “what ifs.” The seemingly endless memories of people telling me I cannot do something, should not bother trying, not cut out for this or that… It is exhausting

Stop Living “Less Than” Lives

The last couple weeks, I have been going through an old writing folder I came across and it’s weird to me some of the things I was writing this part of the year – 10 FULL years ago.

The scary part is, that unfortunately for me, MANY of the themes and sentences are the EXACT same as I have been saying to myself recently – despite my attempts at changing the way I think/speak.

That is a much bigger project than one might believe but it is one that I will not quit.

Is It God’s Will or MY Desire?

Why do I write?

Beside the fact that God’s given me the ability?

Or has He simply given me the desire to write?

Or do I just like writing and worked to develop the skill?

When I got here, I could not walk. I learned that. Do I ever contemplate walking for God?

Misjudged – A Baseball Story

I was going through some old folders, the same one where I found the making of Time – A Short Story (I’d love for you to check that out, Part I, Part II and Part III are here, well, there if you follow those links). The thing about this week’s story is that I never played baseball and never really wanted to but my dad?

Well, he’s another story.

To hear him and my grandparents tell it, sky was the limit for him. He played with the older kids because he intimidated his age group – and the kids he did play with…they didn’t like it either.

He was that good.

So, this is a sort of homage to my “pops.” He cannot read it, he is no longer with us.

I hope he passed knowing I loved him.

This may not be exactly his story – but it could be yours or someone you know.

Do not let your fear or disappointment keep you from being what God made you.

Time – A Short Story – Part III

Well, here we are at last (apologies for it being later than noon) the final installment of Time – A Short Story. I have enjoyed working through this and I hope I have delivered a a story that is both thought provoking and emotional. If this is your first visit and you have not read the first two parts follow the links below, then buckle up for Part III. Part I and Part II

Time – A Short Story – Part II

Welcome back for part two of, Time – A Short Story. If you missed the first installment click here, Part I, to get caught up, then come back here to read the continuation…

Ready to jump back in?

I’d love to know what you think add some comments below.

Enjoy, Part II of Time – A Short Story

Time – A Short Story – Part I

For the next three weeks I will be publishing a short story I wrote. There are three sections, so I am going to break it up in part to generate some interest, keep the reading to a minimum and yes, to have something to post for the next three weeks.

So sit back, not too far, OK, that’s better…and enjoy part one of Time (Seems I write a lot about time – check out other posts here and here). Part II & III are now available too. Please check out the entire story and let me know what you think.

OK, now enjoy…

Time Travel Via Word Doc or Dear Younger Self

Have you ever looked back on your life and thought, “man, I’d like to warn my younger self about life”?

I have, in fact, before I started this post, I was getting ready to write my 19 years old self a letter with the hope that my present-day self would glean some much need insight into moving forward.

What Would We Do Without the “World’s Dumbest”?

Have you ever screwed up?

Ever screwed up so bad you felt sympathy for the chuckleheads on that show, “World’s Dumbest (fill in the blank)?

Well, I didn’t USED to but things change, right?

Read more: What Would We Do Without the “World’s Dumbest”?

I’ll spare you, and me, the humiliating details of my screw up but it got me thinking that perhaps, some of our screw ups are God’s way of teaching us lessons that we clearly wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

I am convinced, in fact, that in God’s sovereignty, He allows us to do and things happen that are outside our control but serve His will.

Romans 8;28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

I have always understood this to mean, all the bad things that ever happened or will ever happen, but specifically times when we have been wronged.

I believe it also includes times we are wrong.

It includes those times we put ourselves in a position to end up on an embarrassing television show and be used by God to further His ultimate plan.

I see it as a form of judgment. I mean, God is patient, merciful and kind but even His grace has an expiration date for the unrepentant.

Please don’t read that to mean there is ANY limit on God’s grace, but scripture says in 1 Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (Emphasis mine)

There will be a judgment and it will start with the people of God.

I also believe that sometimes that “good” can come in the form of the previously mentioned “lesson” that God will use

I am reminded of the patience of the Lord and His willingness to give multiple chances to those that He does not want to see parish.

It reminds me of Jonah.

God tells Jonah to go and preach in Ninevah to the Assyrians – a bad group of folks.

Jonah loved the idea so much, he jumped right inside the nearest whale and sailed right there…actually, he boarded a ship headed the opposite direction.

Can you blame him? Those folks were notably an evil and cruel people. Let ‘em rot!

The sailors on the ship figured out something was off as their ship was getting ready to sink, determined it was Jonah’s fault and threw him overboard. Then he’s swallowed by a “big fish” and spit out right on the shores of, you guessed it…Ninevah.

But this post isn’t about obedience or Jonah…it’s about repentance and God’s patience.

When warned about the coming destruction, the people of Ninevah did the unthinkable, they repented.

The impact was so great, that Jesus used them as a warning to Pharisees when he spoke to them about their unbelief.

I bet they loved being compared to those people.

Of course, a generation after Jonah’s visit, the Assyrians still had to be dealt with and God judged them – but that is for another post…eventually.

The point is, when presented with their need to repent, they did.

Will you?

Will I?

You bet your britches I am and not just for the next generation. Well, I’ll be gone by then most likely but in the short term, best believe, I am A repenting!

The other point is that God is patient with us all.

Praise Him that HE is!

 The Assyrians had a long time to become the abomination they they’d turned into. Generations to become a large nation, capital city, wealthy, evil, sadistic, you know, the usual…but when told they had to change…again, THEY DID!

Same question…

Will you?

Will I?

Take a guess.

As I mentioned before, they eventually fell back into their old ways and when God had enough, passed judgement, as only he can and…Jesus still used them as an example of repentance!

All that to say, God is merciful and patient and will give you and I multiple opportunities to get our act together – but at some point, he will take action.

We better change for good, before, He acts, for our good.

What are your thoughts on God’s patience, our (and other’s) repentance? Or anything else you’d like to mention. The stage is yours.

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Goins, Writer

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